Monday 17 October 2011

Week 12 - 3D

2. GROUP EXERCISE – Concept Evaluation
PART 1 – 20 mins Each student presents their exhibition portfolio to the class
PART 2 - 10 mins Blog
Each student post feedback on all other students in your blog Minimum of 50 words blogging on each student

3. PRACTICAL – Design Realisation
20 mins – Develop 3D Exhibition Designs / 5 mins Blog 2 weeks to go!

When we got into class the invitations has arrived so we started to divide them up into piles of 100 to be distribution between us and everyone else. 
Rachel, Josie & I counting  invites
The Invitations
2. GROUP EXERCISE – Presenting Your Portfolio
PART 1 – 20 mins Each student presents their exhibition portfolio to the class
PART 2 - 10 mins Blog
Each student post feedback on all other students in your blog Minimum of 50 words blogging on each student

Sunita brought in her printed designs and they look awesome! I love the effects she's used on her photographs and they've come out really well. I especially liked the status of Jesus. Cant wait to see them mounted on the frames!

Josie's mock design company design 'Concept Est Grande' is coming along really nicely and I'm looking forward to seeing it when it's been laser cut out.She also showed us a design for business cards using coloured lines (RGB & CMYK) which i thought was a very clever idea.

Rachel has her chicken design all ready to go and i think they are an absolute winner! Only problem is deciding on which way to go with them, i think once she picks a direction to go in with her chickens she'll smash it!

Warwick's design is just about there only thing standing in the way is that damn grass! The rest of the design looks great its just finding a balance and making sure the grass relates to the rest of his design concept. Otherwise i really like where the design is at now in relation to where it started out - its been great watching the whole development of this design. 

3. PRACTICAL – Design Realisation
30 mins – Develop 2D Exhibition Designs / 10 mins Blog 2 weeks to go!
I'm going a little bit insane thinking about my design. I really need to commit already - its stressing me out! I'm very happy with my tree but I'm afraid it wont be enough. In class Sunita and i were talking about the idea of hanging apple's off my tree with pictures in them to go with the idea of creating a 'family tree'. I'm just at a loss as to how to go about it and i really don't want to distract from my tree design. I've done up another prototype this week and I've worked out how I'm going to mount it on the wall which is a plus and I've also bought my lighting at Bunnings to create the shadows which is also a plus. So I'm ticking things off the list but the big question is how to go about the apples. 

Prototype with LED light creating shadows
LED light stick i'll be using
This shows the stand idea I am planning on using. It will provide a gap between the wall and the tree and will also keep it standing in place.

My design has been sent to Darwin Laser Cutters so now its just a waiting game and hopefully it comes out looking as good as I hope. Below is a video on how laser cutting works. Its really cool to see it in action.

CNC laser cutting Orion 3015 Plus - LVD

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