Wednesday 10 August 2011

Week 4 - 3D

This week in 3D it was all about Experimentation: Exploring & Challenging. From last weeks practical on a eco friendly form of transport we were asked to choose the 2 best designs from the group.
Class White Board
We chose Josie's idea for a 2 seated segway type vehicle & Maha's design for an attachable seat for children.
We discussed both designs and explored ideas for each.
Class White Board
While we were at it we also came up with some great name's & slogan's for our designs
Class White Board
For our Practical 3D lesson we were asked to choose our favourite 3D design and through a combination of research and creative thinking explore the possibilities of concept experimentation, variation & evaluation.
I haven't designed alot of 3D concepts at this stage so I choose my shoulder bag design from our class a few weeks ago
My shoulder bag design
2 Experiments
The 2 experiments i thought of that i'd like to explore would be to have access to the inside of the bag from a zip straight across the top rather than the button flap or to have just a single clip at the top of the bag to open & close
Experiment 1 - zip across the top

Experiment 2 - Single clip on top
Pros & Cons
The pro's of the zip include practicality in keeping anything from falling out of the bag & easy & quick access to the inside of the bag. Con's of the zip - its unattractive and unflattering 
Pros of the single clip include its simple & looks great & would also allow easy access to the inside of the bag. Cons of the single clip - small items in the bag could come out the sides

Choosing & Refusing
I really like the idea of the single clip and i think i could still incorporate my design of the button and keep that same style but just have a single one on top. I'm rejecting the idea of the zip because its over used and not the most attractive feature on a bag and doesn't really go with the style i'm trying to create. 

1 comment:

  1. With a URL / YouTube link, this would get a 10. I reckon it's about 9.5 as it is. Clear, concise and thoughtful. Well addressed. Got any ideas for exhibition yet? Clock is ticking.......see you in class.
