Monday 1 August 2011

Week 3 - 2D

This week in class we were given the task to choose two words at random as a group and come up with a design concept.
  •      Choose at random 2 words
  •     Think about the words
  •      Do a rough mind map of each word
  •      Combine ideas
  •      Each person creates two 2D Designs

The 2 words we came up with were SPACESHIP & MONEY

Mind Map

<! Ideas

Spaceship with queens head on it
Spaceship made out of coins
Coins in the shape of a spaceship
UFO’s in the shape of notes
Gold & silver spaceships
Spaceships flown by money
Spaceships flying to the money (moon)
Spaceships the size of a coin
Coins stacked up to the size of a spaceship
Spaceships run on money not fuel
Flying money

The two ideas I have chosen to use in my designs are:
Spaceships the size of a coin & Coins stacked up to the size of a spaceship

PRACTICAL - Design Options
Today in class we were given time to come up with a rough draft of 3 design concepts for our exhibition. I've found it a bit difficult coming up with a design concept for the exhibition. I'm having the most difficulty coming up with a 3D design concept to link to a 2D design but after thinking about it over the last couple of weeks i've come out with a few draft ideas. I work in Real Estate and I liked the idea of designing a creative house plan. I deal with alot of house & land packages and floor plans every day and it's given me a bit of inspiration to perhaps design a 2D plan such as a floor plan or blueprint and build a minature model design as the 3D concept from the 2D floor plan. I'd design the interior as well as the exterior using CAD software as my media. I'd like to go into alot of detail and design a very creative interior that offers something a little different. From here I could design this with the intention of using it as a house & land package and design brochures, flyers etc with the intent for marketing it for sale.

I found some fantastic websites to help me along the way...
This website basically allows me to design my own floor plan which also converts it into an isometric view & 3D walk through. I can add windows, doors & even paint the walls. It is a bit limiting for what i eventually want to do but it gives me a great starting point in a design layout..
I had a play around on and came up with a few different designs. Unfortunately i closed without saving my settings and lost my designs but i will have another attempt tomorrow and not stuff it up this time.
I also found this website which helps you design your own home.. interior & exterior
This website also gives you related sites that lead to anything from kitchen & bathroom designs to landscape & architectural designs.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! Now we're talkin'

    Labelled clearly - addressed accurately and full of colourful ideas. Referenced well, with URLs and thoughtful commentary. Great to have you in the class.
