Monday 8 August 2011

Week 4 - 2D

This week in class it was all about Exploring & Challenging ideas.
As a group we voted on the 2 best designs that we'd come up with in last weeks practical.
The designs we'd come up with included....
  • Mini art
  • T-shirt design
  • Music CD cover
  • Magazine cover
  • Screen print for lamp
  • Typography & fonts
  • Logo & branding
We all voted and we decided on a T-Shirt design & Screen print for lamp.

T-Shirt Design Exploration
Big or small design?
Design to go on the front, back or sides?
What is it for?
Who is it for? Young/old? Gender?
Is it selling anything?
Is it an image? Shape? Text? Graphic?
Culturally appropriate?

After our brainstorming session and going back & forth with different ideas and eliminating certain ideas we came up with the following..
It was to be a t-shirt for a young female (18-30), the t-shirt is going to be dark grey with a black design which is printed and Warwick came up with the idea to use our brainstorming process on the whiteboard as the actual design. I think this idea would work really well - its different and creative and other designers would love it as they can relate to the process. We obviously wouldnt use exactly what was on the board we'd jazz it up a bit to look good, maybe add in a sketch of a brain or other sketches of our process.

Challenging the T-Shirt design...
Things that could go wrong...

  • Black print could be too dark for the dark grey shirt.. Solution.. Make the t-shirt slightly lighter grey
  • May not appeal to female audience.. Solution... Make the brainstorming process appeal to females eg include things that females like etc. 
Below are a few other grey t-shirts that i like the style of which would be great with our design printed on them..

This is the exact grey I had in mind for our shirt
Having the design on the side is a great feature
I really like the flowing style of this shirt
Below is a You Tube link on how to screen print your own t-shirts. This is actually a really great little clip. Its light & funny but it goes through all of the steps clearly & concisely.

This week in our Practical 2D lesson we were asked to choose our favourite design concept from all of our current works and explore the possibilities of concept experimentation .
My favourite design is a business card I designed for myself in a previous class.

2 Experiments
I thought of a few different directions i could go with my original design without changing it so much that it become a completely different design. I could change the colour of my background (which originally was an off white) and i could also change the actual layout of my design. Currently it is a 4 sided business card which folds out - i could look at the possibility of making this a standard 2 sided business card

Pros & Cons
Pros include it being cost effective in printing (as the design & text is all black) & simplicity in my design. But then again the simplicity of it could also come under cons for my design. Also having a 4 sided business card could be unnecessary and classed as a con for my design

Choosing & Refusing
After considering the different directions i could go with my design i decided to keep the original of white background because it keeps in the theme of my design. And i refused the 4 sided style because i thought it might be impractical and served no real purpose.

I am still looking for a copy of my design (which is obviously saved somewhere very very safe) but below is a business card which is a very similar colour scheme to what my design is....
This design is a similar colour scheme to my design

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful work. Could you use labels in GROUP EXERCISE, just like you did in PRACTICAL? makes navigation easier. Great ideas and well researched.

    You'll still need to add a URL/YouTube vid & commentary as part of your research.

    Otherwise a fine effort.
