Monday 15 August 2011

Week 5 - 2D

This week in our group exercise it was all about challenging assumptions... We were given the below handout to read and challenge the assumptions that arise..

Have you ever been in Los Angeles freeway traffic? We were once in bumper‐to‐bumper traffic, trying  
to get to the airport at 10:30 at night. I didn't know that there were traffic jams until late in the evening.  
In any case, if you have had a similar experience, you can relate to the following problem, which will  
show us how challenging assumptions leads to more creative solutions.  
 Mike had an audition for a movie role at eight the next morning. But it was in Hollywood, and he lived  
on the other side of Los Angeles. He was notified of the audition late, and now it was one in the morning.  
This was a problem, because it could take as much as four hours to get through the morning traffic, and  
he needed time to shower and get ready. He would have to get up by a little after three that morning.  
 He thought about this. Just two hours of sleep, followed by hours on the freeway ‐ this might affect his  
performance. This would be his first important role if he was hired, so his mind started scrambling for  
solutions. Taking the bus might be faster than driving his van, but he didn't know the bus schedules, and  
it was too late to find out. He looked at a map of the city, hoping for a better route, and he might have  
found one, but it seemed dangerous to guess about routes he wasn't familiar with at this point.  
 He suddenly recalled a problem solving technique his friend Steve had told him about, and decided to  
try it. He did the assumption‐challenging exercise, starting with a pen and piece of paper and writing a  
list of assumptions.   
 1. What would be on your list of assumptions ‐ if you were Mike?  
2. Challenge each item in the list and find a solution to Mike’s problem

As a group we discussed the assumptions... 
He's driving on the highway
Its 1am
It can take 4 hrs in morning traffic
He needs more than 2 hours sleep
The Audition is at 8am

After discussing Mike's problem we came to the realization that he's driving at 1am therefore there wont be any traffic and he should get there earlier than expected and have plenty of time to sleep for at least 2 hours get ready and make it to the audition on time. 

In our practical 2D design class we were asked to choose our most recent design concept from all our current works and do the following:
  • List 2 assumptions about our design
  • Challenge both of these assumptions
  • Suggest 2 refinements to solve these challenges
  • Illustrate our thoughts with sketches/ diagrams
I have been working on a few different designs for wall paper. I'm working with alot of tree designs. Below are a few ideas that have given me some inspiration...
I like the flowing feeling of this design
This is a great size, I'd also like to cover a substantial section of the wall

I love the texture of the bark created in this design.
1st Assumption - I'm assuming i'll be able to print my design onto wall paper
2nd Assumption - I'm assuming it will be a single design (not repeated)

Challenging 1st assumption...
Once i started to do some research on printing wallpaper i realized that there are endless options when designing your own custom made wallpaper. It just blew me away to be honest and was quite overwhelming.
This website will actually print your design onto wallpaper for you and it can even just be a photograph. I could even just cut out a stencil of my design and print that directly onto the wall like a mural.

1 comment:

  1. Bit like some of the others as far as the Mike's Audition task goes - assumptions were not really challenged - just an answer provided. I guess that was caused by Miss SmartyPants getting the answer too soon!

    The rest is very good - but fades away or rather STOPS.....what happened to the second assumption?
    Refinements / Sketches / Diagrams?
