Monday 19 September 2011

Week 8 - 2D

GROUP EXERCISE – Concept Realisation Selecting:
Discuss your choice of the above as a group – give reasons

In this lesson we gave a quick run down on our design to the class and the direction we're planning on going with them and discussed our choices as a group. 

Materials - Paper, ink, stencils
Tools - stanley knife, stencil paper
Equipment - printing supplies

The idea is to make a stencil of my design and screen print my design onto paper. 

GROUP EXERCISE – Concept Realisation
PRODUCING A RANGE - 15 mins Design Illustrator
Clear rendition of 3 headline variations for Exhibition 2011 BLOG - 15 mins Each student post the group results in your blog with images and descriptive text
Original Design
This was our opportunity to make any final variations on our design before they are presented at the meeting and a design  is chosen. 

The first variation I wanted try was to make the reeds look more realistic..

I also wanted to make the moon a little off centre and make it look a bit more abstract..

And finally I played around with the colours but i came back to the midnight blue which I was very happy with. 

3. PRACTICAL – Design Realisation 30 mins – Illustrator / 10 mins Presentations / 10 mins Blog
Layout your version of all 3 designs decided on in the group exercise 
Show your results to the class 
Blog screenshots of your work

At the end of the class we all placed our favourite design in the shared folder so that we could all check each others out and reflect on each others designs. It was great to get everyone's opinions and give our own opinions on each design. I really loved doing this and getting feedback from the class. Sometimes im not completely confident in my capabilities and its great to get opinions & suggestions from the class on how I can improve my design. 

I found this little clip on You Tube and it reminded me a little of our class. Its not the most fantastic clip and its clearly on a budget but the idea of it made me think it could very easily be our class. 

A group of 6 Art & Design students were presented with The Bomb Project and were challenged to design a 2D or 3D typography on the 'buzz' word SHOP and elaborate on the concept of advertisement. They had to work together as a team and brainstorm together for 3 days to complete the presentation. 

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