Monday 19 September 2011

Week 8 - 3D

GROUP EXERCISE – Concept Realisation
Discuss your choice of the above as a group – give reasons

For my 3D design of my tree i played around with some different materials and did some research on some others but i think I've come up with a plan of attack.

Materials - Paint, 12mm plywood
Tools - jigsaw, brush, pencil
Equipment - projector, woodwork equipment

After Mark introduced me to one of the sculpture lecturers he & Mark completely helped me put faith in my idea. I honestly had no idea how i was going to pull it off but after speaking with him I am totally confident in my design. Out the back of the workshop there were stack of sheets of 12mm ply (it is actually the bases of old crates) and they were the perfect size for what i had in mind (1.5mx2m approx). They are a little rustic and banged up but I liked that it wasn't perfect - gave it some character. Simon (I'm terrible with names so i hope i have it right) suggested that all I'd need to do was print my design on some acetate so that i can use a projector to blow up my design onto the sheet of ply, trace my design and then its ready for the jigsaw. Apparently the jigsaw it easy to use so I'm hoping I can do it. The other option is i can take my design to a professional who will actually laser cut my design for me. 

This is a pretty long clip but it was good to see that you can actually create nice soft curves using the jigsaw which i was a little concerned about. 

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